Neverwinter nights 2 level cap remover
Neverwinter nights 2 level cap remover

I believe in all versions after 1.20 they made signifigant coding changes specifically to prevent people from changing the level cap. Sorry but your rar file is CRC error incoporated See Caramon's problem a few post below me. Edit the total class levels of your character to be above level 20, and you can't begin most mods, including the official campaign, with that character. Just a warning to those new in this game (such was I).

neverwinter nights 2 level cap remover

So now I have a 18C/3F which is a little more funīut I would love to see a level 40 cap come to fruition.

neverwinter nights 2 level cap remover

Learned some hex editing and tried some of the 0f8d8c000000 Now while this hacked exe works the level 40 discussion Heh I downgraded from 1.29 to 1.20 just to try this thing. Yeah, playing the official campaign you have to create a new character every time. This sucks big time, what good is a cap remover for version 1.2 when the current version is 1.3? OK HI every-one! I agree with Bert, I also have version 1.3, and need a cap!! Is there one available?, If I find one I will post it here! Anyway, someone please make a working level cap at level 60 please? 20 levels for each class? PLEASE? *sigh. I have extremely powerfull characters from regular pencil and paper D&D 3rd Edition, with insane items, but it's currently impossible to bring them into NWN in all their true glory. Additionally, ever since they restricted how powrful you could make weapons for player characters, I have not been able to make the epic characters I want. I personally would love to have a level 20 Rouge, 20 Wizard, 20 Cleric. I am yet another person who would like to see a lavel cap of at least level 60, so if you choose to multiclass 3 ways you can max out all of your classes.

neverwinter nights 2 level cap remover neverwinter nights 2 level cap remover

There were 9 that made this score of 3.88. This is a compilation of the old system into a single score. Nice job makin a mod when ya cant even play the charatcer you made Posted by your an idiot ( 70. ) at 13:56:23

Neverwinter nights 2 level cap remover